Total 64 Squares- (32 white, 32 Black)
Chess pieces.
(3D view) [White pieces]
King, Queen, Bishop, Knight, Rook, Pawn (from Left to right)
(2D view) [White and Black pieces]
King, Queen, Bishop, Knight, Rook, Pawn (from Left to right)
Common Terms
1) Ranks: Rows of squares that run horizontally on the Chess-board
2) Files: Columns that run vertically on the Chess-board.
3) Diagonals: Squares that run diagonally on the Chess-board.
Game Starting Position
Position on start of the game (White moves first.)
Note: The white Queen will be on a white square and the black Queen will be on a black space.
How to play
White always plays first. Players make move alternate. Only one Play Piece may be moved on a turn, except when castling (special move). All Play Pieces must move in a straight path, except for the Knight. Also, the Knight is the only Play Piece that is allowed to jump over another Play Piece.
Play piece moves:
1) Pawn:
A Pawn moves forward one square at a time. There are two exceptions to this rule:
i) On a Pawn`s first move, it can move forward one or two squares.
ii) When capturing a piece, a Pawn moves one square diagonally ahead.
At the beginning of the game, the Pawn is the least valuable Play Piece. But, when a Pawn reaches the other side of the board it can be converted into any Play Piece except for the King. (It is called as pawn promotion.)
2) Knight:
The Knight is the only Play Piece that can jump over another Play Piece. Knights move three squares at a time: two spaces forward or backward, then one space left or right, or two spaces to the left or right, then one space forward or backward. The move looks like the letter L. The Knight always ends up landing on a square opposite the colour from which it started.
3) Bishop:
The Bishop moves diagonally as many open squares as you like. The Bishop must remain on the same colour square as it started the game on.
4) Rook:
The Rook moves in a straight line, horizontally or vertically as many open squares as you like. Besides the Queen, the Rook is the next most powerful Play Piece.
5) Queen:
The Queen moves in any direction (horizontally, vertically or diagonally) as many open squares as you like. So it is most powerful of the Play Pieces, if developed.
6) King:
The King is the most important Play Piece, because if it becomes trapped, we will lose the game. The King moves one square in any direction, as long as it doesn`t put itself in Check.
We are in Check if an opponent`s Play Piece is in a position on the board to capture our King.
To save our King from Check we must do one of the following:
1. Move the King out of the way of the opponent`s Play Piece.
2. Move another one of our Play Pieces to block our opponent.
3. Capture the opponent`s Play Piece that is threatening our King.
When our King cannot be saved from Check, it`s called the “Checkmate” and we lost the game. Checkmate means “the King is dead” in Persian language.
When we move one of our Play Pieces and it ends on an opponent`s Play Piece, we capture it and remove it from the Game Board.
Capturing en passant:
If a Pawn lands next to an opponent`s Pawn after moving two spaces on its first move, it can be captured en passant. The opponent`s Pawn, on its next turn only, can be moved diagonally to the space behind the first Pawn, capturing it.
This is a special move for the King and either Rook and is the only time two Play Pieces can move on one turn. It helps to protect the King and positions the Rook toward the centre of the Game Board. To castle, slide the Rook to the space next to the King. Move the King to the other side of the Rook.
To castle:
1. This must be the first move for both the King and the Rook.
2. No other Play Pieces can be between the King and the Rook.
3. The King can`t be in Check, either before or after the castle.
4. The King can`t be in Check on any of the spaces that it passes over during the castle.
Winning of the game:
If we put our opponent`s King in Check so he can`t escape, called as Checkmate… we win.
If neither player can win, players can agree to draw.
If a player`s King is not in Check, but any possible move places him in Check, it`s a Stalemate. A stalemate is basically a draw.